Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A lot of people have suggested me to do this. Even I considered it myself at times but then never found something really substantial (at least that was the excuse I gave to save myself from the allegations rather accusations (coz its quite true) of slothfulness, for not doing it).And then some close friend of mine, irritated with all these theories, decided to confront me and asked for some elucidation. I was dumbstruck. Since I myself didn’t know what fucking substantial things I sought after, what in the world was I going to explain? But this is the benefit I believe you get when you are using some kind of chat programs rather than a face to face conversation, that u can easily evade from uneasy situations. You have got enough time to think and reply. I too played cool and said “You see what does a person generally writes about…..may be some happening events of his life or about his passions and imaginations and if nothing then some idiotic love stories…..and I do not satisfy any of these criteria. I mean my life has not been any ‘plethora of events’, neither am I to passionate about anything nor do have I any girlfriend (this is not to advertise that I am single) (as if someone cares, anyways)so basically apart from the negativity and nothingness surrounding me I don’t feel I have anything substantial”. The moment I pressed an enter key (remember I was in a chat program) an instant reply came “write about that, write about the pessimism around you”.

Whenever someone asks me about any plan of mine which I have no clue when it’s going to happen I say just one thing ‘it’s in the pipeline’. This is such a convenient word because then there is no temporal factor attached to it and none can bother you about what exact amount of time it will take to come into existence. I don’t know how much reality is into this but many individuals around me think I am quite a contemplative person (I personally do not second it) but this statement really made me think and eventually turned out to be so powerful that I was forced to shed my innate quality and afflict myself to scribble, type actually, (after all we are in a computer generation) a few lines.

Often when I ponder I feel how powerful these emotions of pessimism and nothingness are. It takes so much from an individual to look on brighter aspect of things but darker ones are always waiting there welcoming you with open arms. Whenever I hear these words “every dark cloud has a silver lining to it” I know, in my heart I know, that there is always a ray of hope however utter hopelessness one is in and one needs to look and concentrate on that silver lining, I know that, but it’s just that my mind doesn’t accept it. How can you look at a small streak of silver lining when there is that whole big black dark cloud to bother you? How can you just overlook that? I know these sayings were drafted by some very wise and idealistic people than me but every common man is not as wise as them. And life is not that ideal and hypothetical. People say all kind of good words that life is all about choices we make but I think it’s a bit more complex than that. It takes a lot of courage to break the shackles of negativity around us to see through the options available to ourselves and make a right choice. And often we are not able to achieve that courage sometimes the whole of our lives.


  1. u bleed just to know that u r alive......

    philosophies of life are bouncers to me...but still something from what i perceive. The wise sayings u have quoted may be 'wise' but today it's not difficult to be in the "captivity of negativity".

    TO be looking for the silver lining is not always easy, same goes with making choices....breaking the shackles of negativity is difficult but once u learn that... u become a different person. negativity saps a lot of ur creative energy n clouds ur mind....n to find the silver lining amngst this cloud all u need is a little faith a belief ...however small it may be.

    besides optimism gives u chances to fill ur blog space...

    one more thing u r better blogger than ur bro..
    usko mat bolna warna meri watt laga dega.

  2. Thanks man........i was just wondering who it was till i read the last line....thanks for the thoughts and appreciaiton

  3. ok.. so pessimism is finally finding a space to be discussed about..
    great "PESSIMISM" must be happy :) someone wrote about it...!!

    well frankly speaking I don't have words.. the feeling here is instantiation of abstraction contrary to your belief that you have jotted down, Moreover 100 % with you on the note that its quite difficult to ignore the black clouds looming large.

    Good that you finally dumped your garbage.. Descent enough construct of your thoughts.. but may be you need a lil more of coherency..and sync.. Language is audacious, and expressive..

    Pessimism rox .. coz all good things come to an end.. and finally we find our desires.. As per your plan ..i know its still in "PIPELINE"

    quite Obv he is a better blogger than me .. :)

    Great going, and expect to read some more thought of yours on this page..

    Love and WIshes

    P.s the colour goes well with the NEGATIVITY

  4. @anshu....never knew someone could notice the symbolism used with color ;)..thanks for an honest feedback...will definitely try to come up with more thoughts....and manish was just trying to encourage me ...he himself never meant it...u are always far ahead of me

  5. Nice start, bro. Keep writing about your thoughts about life.

  6. @shantanu will definitely try :)

  7. The reason i liked your post was because it rung so true , so close to my own ideas ... almost an introspective read.

    Eagerly awaiting the next one.

  8. amazing man !! i never knew u had such brilliant scribbling (dat best describes our hand writings :D ) talent !!

    just waiting for next time u scribble !!
